Running with the Seasons


One thing I love about running is that you can do it all year around! It always takes a few weeks to adapt to a season change, especially going from autumn to winter, looking out of the window and seeing winter weather can be off putting! I know that winter running means preparation and a bit more planning, however it is well worth it.  I always start by searching out my very old running coat! Its not a running coat really but a thick, faded puffer jacket with a headband and gloves in the pockets. Once I have my warm running kit on, plus several layers and double socks, I feel prepared and less daunted.

Because I can’t leave the house without wrapping up, I always do a few laps close to home, which is perfect for warming up. I keep my layers on until I am warm, then I quickly remove my coat and off I go.  Not only does this ritual mean that I train solidly, but also that I make use of my old running gear, it may not be my favourite kit but it is still functional and wearable in the winter months as extras layers and never need to worry about getting it dirty. I can honestly say that the majority of my kit is between 5-10 years old.

The lack of daylight hours is also a winter consideration. I always feel a bit restricted as I train solo. If I am running in the dark I stick to populated, well lit areas, where I know I can knock on a door if I need to. Planning where is safe to run and making sure someone knows where you are is definitely worth considering, plus wearing Hi Vis clothing. If you don’t have any, make sure you wear light colours, however, investing in hi vis is not expensive. I always carry my phone, so that I can call someone if I feel unsafe.

Running has made me love every season and once I have my head in gear, I am good to keep going until conditions change.


